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Online TT 2024.png

For those interested in the online training, here is a description of how it will work:


The training consists of:


- 14 online sessions of 2 hours, distributed through the weeks when there is no in-person training.


- 6 in-person training weekends:


  - These weekends will start with an online evening session on Friday, followed by in-person sessions on Saturday and Sunday.

  - Each day will include 6 hours of training, divided into three 2-hour blocks with breaks in between. These sessions will be streamed live via Zoom, including interactions with in-person participants.

  - We will ensure a stable internet connection for smooth streaming.


- Additionally, there will be 3 workshops of 3.5 hours each, scheduled on weekends throughout the training period (one in August and two more at monthly intervals). These workshops will also be streamed live.


All sessions and workshops will be recorded for later viewing.


Most of the online classes will be scheduled in the afternoons (CET) to accommodate different time zones, facilitating greater participation.


For any further details or questions, feel free to contact me directly.


Warm regards,



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